Lobanov Lobanov D.V. et al. 2017 no. 1(74)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (74) 2017 26 ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ва // Актуальные проблемы в машиностроении. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 206–213. 29. Сидоренко С.А., Лобанов Д.В., Рычков Д.А. Программный продукт для автоматизации выбора рационального композиционного материала // Ак- туальные проблемы в машиностроении. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 30–36. 30. Формирование базы данных композицион- ных материалов (DBCM v. 1.0): свидетельство о гос. регистрации программы для ЭВМ № 2016611925 / А.С. Янюшкин, Д.В. Лобанов, С.А. Сидорен- ко, Д.А. Рычков. – Заявка № 2015662595; заявл. 18.12.2015; зарег. 15.02.2016. 31. Выбор композиционного материала (SCMv. 1.0): свидетельство о государственной регистрации про- граммы для ЭВМ № 2016616679 / А.С. Янюшкин, Д.В. Лобанов, С.А. Сидоренко, Д.А. Рычков. – Заявка № 2016611730; заявл. 03.03.2016; зарег. 16.06.2016. 32. Yanyushkin A.S., Rychkov D.A., Lobanov D.V . Rationalization of polymer composite materials pro- cessing by improving production efficiency // Proce- dia Engineering. – 2016. – Vol. 150. – P. 942–947. – doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.067. 33. Stability and process of destruction of com- pressed plate of layered composite materials with de- fects / L.A. Bokhoeva, V.E. Rogov, A.S. Chermoshent- seva, D.V. Lobanov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2016. – Vol. 142. – P. 012077. – doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/142/1/012077. 34. Лобанов Д.В., Янюшкин А.С. Повышение эф- фективности применения лезвийного инструмента при обработке композиционных неметаллических материалов // Проблемы механики современных ма- шин: материалы VI Международной конференции / отв. ред. В.С. Балбаров. – М., 2015. – С. 183–189. OBRABOTKAMETALLOV (METAL WORKING AND MATERIAL SCIENCE) N 1 (74), January – March 2017, Pages 20–29 Efficiency upgrading of composite material product production preparation Lobanov D.V. , D.Sc. (Engineering), Professor, e-mail: mf_nauka@brstu.ru Rychkov D.A. , Ph.D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, e-mail: dielektrik84@mail.ru Sidorenko S.A. , Master`s Degree student, e-mail: serzh_sidorenko_1993@mail.ru Bratsk State University, 40 Makarenko st., Bratsk, 665709, Russian Federation Abstract The paper presents the ways to improve the utilization efficiency of the composites, which are proposed to replace conventional construction materials in engineering, where is possible. Software for composite material product production preparation stages of development, which include: the development of methods of forming composites database, multi-criteria analysis methods and rational choice of the composite material varied according to the compatibility of the parameters are revealed. The collecting and analysis of algorithms, the choice of the composite tool is presented. The formation of the base composition of composite materials is suggested. A software module for creation of the given composites database, the principle of software module work is presented. The software module introduces data on the form, and the designation of the brand of composite materials, its physical and mechanical properties, manufacturer, cost and image. The need in composite data structuring and organizing, analysis and synthesized decision solution of the rational composite material choice is noted. The algorithm which is based on the method of multi-criteria analysis and rational object selection is depicted. A program product for the rational choice of materials by its composition parameters (density, tensile strength: tensile, compressive, bending modulus, cost, thermal conductivity, etc.) under conditions of actual production with selection composites priority indicators and composites search by limiting the maximum number of values of the properties of composites is presented. The findings of research that reflect the spirit and scope of the performed work are described. The prospects for further implementation of the research results are reflected. Keywords automation; efficiency; rational choice; program module (product set); pre-production; composite materials. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2017-1-20-29