Popov VY et al. 2017 no. 1(74)

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ № 1 (74) 2017 37 ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ. ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ it is important to know which diamond crystals, with some internal and surface defects are for the manufacture of modern grinding tools. Defects arising in diamond crystals during their synthesis, give rise to the formation of more complex defects that arise in the operational process of diamonds themselves. In the analysis obtained through scanning electron microscopy images shows that even on the surface not involved in the process of cutting the diamond grains and on their edges, there are characteristic traces disorders of the crystal structure, both micro and macro levels. When external action these defects and have immediate strong effect on production characteristics of devices, products or instruments containing diamonds. This is particularly manifested in the grinding of tough, ductile materials based on aluminum, magnesium or titanium. Developed on the basis of modern digital technology and molecular dynamics visualization method allows to show it at the atomic level. Keywords combined electro-diamond grinding, synthetic diamond, adhesion contact, computer simulation, molecular dynamics. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2017-1-30-39 References 1. Popov V.Yu., Yanyushkin A.S. “Klyuchevaya” populyarnost’ elektroalmaznoi obrabotki [“Keywords” popu- larity of electric diamond grinding]. Mekhaniki XXI veku – Mechanical Engineers to XXI century , 2016, no. 15, pp. 50–57. 2. Popov V.Y., Yanyushkin A.S., Khlystov A.N. O razrushenii almaznykh zeren pri shlifovanii [About a destruc- tion of diamond grains in the grinding process]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) – Metal Working and Material Science , 2016, no. 4, pp. 16–23. doi: 10.17212/1994-6309-2016-4-16-23 3. Yanyushkin A.S., Shorkin V.S. Kontaktnye protsessy pri elektroalmaznom shlifovanii [Contact processes with electric diamond grinding]. Moscow, Mashinostroenie-1 Publ., 2004. 230 p. ISBN 5-94275-092-0. 4. Khudobin L.V., Unyanin A.N. Minimizatsiya zasalivaniya shlifoval’nykh krugov [Minimization of grinding wheels loading]. Ul’yanovsk, UlGTU Publ., 2007. 298 p. ISBN 978-5-89146-982-2. 5. Rowe W.B. Principles of modern grinding technology . 2 nd ed. Oxford, Elsevier, 2014. 480 p. ISBN 978-0-12- 810166-7. 6. Popov V.Y., Khlystov A.N., Bondin A.V. Atomnaya vizualizatsiya almaznogo rezaniya [Atomic visualization diamond cutting]. Komp’yuternye issledovaniya i modelirovanie – Computer Research and Modeling , 2016, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 161–172. 7. Solopova N.A. Kristallizatsiya almaza v karbonatnykh rasplavakh mineralogicheskogo znacheniya (eksperi- ment pri 5,5-84,0 GPa) . Diss. dokt. tekhn. nauk [The crystallization of diamond in carbonate melts mineralogical value (experiment at 5,5–84,0 GPa). Dr. eng. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2014. 112 p. 8. Novikov N.V., Bogatyreva G.P., Il’nitskaya G.D., Nevstruev G.F., Petasyuk G.A., Tkach V.N., Bogdanov R.K., Isonkin A.M., Zakora A.P., Zaitseva I.N. Vklyucheniya v kristallakh sinteticheskikh almaznykh vysokoprochnykh poroshkov [Inclusions in crystals of synthetic diamond high-strength powders]. Fizika i tekhnika vysokikh davlenii – High Pressure Physics and Technics , 2009, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 48–53. 9. Novikov N.V., Bogatyreva G.P., Bogdanov R.K., Il’nitskaya G.D., Isonkin A.M. Vliyanie prochnostnykh kharakteristik almaznykh shlifporoshkov na rabotosposobnost’ burovogo instrumenta [The influence of strength characteristics of diamond grits on drilling tool performance]. Sverkhtverdye materialy – Journal of Superhard Ma- terials , 2009, no. 6, pp. 75–80. (In Russian) 10. Zybinskii P.V., Bogdanov R.K., Zakora A.P., Isonkin A.M. Sverkhtverdye materialy v geologorazvedochnom burenii [Superhard materials in exploration drilling]. Donetsk, Nord-Press Publ., 2007. 244 p. 11. Petrovskii V.A., Suharev A.E., Filonenko V.P., Vinogradov S.N. [Fundamental and applied study of micro- nanopolycrystalline diamond aggregates and their practical application]. Mineralogo-tekhnologicheskaya otsenka mestorozhdenii poleznykh iskopaemykh i problemy raskrytiya mineralov : sbornik statei po materialam V Rossiiskogo seminara po tekhnologicheskoi mineralogii [Proceedings of V Russian seminar on technological mineralogy “Min- eralogical and technological evaluation of useful mineral deposits and problems in mineral opening”], Petrozavodsk, 2011, pp. 190–196. ISBN 978-5-9274-0460-5. (In Russian) 12. Vins V.G. Opticheski aktivnye defekty v almaze – zakonomernosti obrazovaniya i vzaimnoi transformatsii . Diss. dokt. fiz.-mat. nauk [The optically active defects in diamond – pattern formation and mutual transformation. Dr. phys. and math. sci. diss.]. Barnaul, 2011. 252 p. 13. Novikov N.V., Bogatyreva G.P., Nevstruev G.F., Il’nitskaya G.D., Zaitseva I.N. Zavisimost’ prochnosti almaznykh shlifporoshkov ot struktury kristallov almaza [Dependence of diamond grinding powder strength on