Lenivtseva O.G. et. al. 2018 Vol. 20 No. 2

ОБРАБОТКА МЕТАЛЛОВ Том 20 № 2 2018 164 МАТЕРИАЛЫ РЕДАКЦИИ planning is based on a code of regulations and procedures containing a series of methods, the use of which makes it possible for company’s manager to ensure prompt measures of reaction to outer business environment changes. Such methods include: strategic segmentation; solving problems in real-time mode; diagnostics of strategic readiness to operate in the context of the future; working out a general plan of management; planning of the business position of the firm; strategic transformation of the company. Strategic planning process is presented as a closed cycle consisting of 9 successive stages, each of them represents a logical sequence of measures ensuring the dynamics of system development. The developed by the author strategic planning methods result in the recommendation to proceed to “interactive strategic management” which is conceptually based on the constructive potential of the collective body, on searching ways of its building on the basis of effective overcoming accelerating changes, increasing organizational complexity, and unpredictable changeability of the environment. Пример структурированного авторского резюме из иностранного журнала в Scopus Purpose: Because of the large and continuous energetic requirements of brain function, neurometabolic dysfunction is a key pathophysiologic aspect of the epileptic brain. Additionally, neurometabolic dysfunction has many self-propagating features that are typical of epileptogenic processes, that is, where each occurrence makes the likelihood of further mitochondrial and energetic injury more probable. Thus abnormal neurometabolism may be not only a chronic accompaniment of the epileptic brain, but also a direct contributor to epileptogenesis. Methods: We examine the evidence for neurometabolic dysfunction in epilepsy, integrating human studies of metabolic imaging, electrophysiology, microdialysis, as well as intracranial EEG and neuropathology. Results: As an approach of noninvasive functional imaging, quantitative magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) measured abnormalities of mitochondrial and energetic dysfunction (via 1H or 31P spectroscopy) are related to several pathophysiologic indices of epileptic dysfunction. With patients undergoing hippocampal resection, intraoperative 13C-glucose turnover studies show a profound decrease in neurotransmitter (glutamate-glutamine) cycling relative to oxidation in the sclerotic hippocampus. Increased extracellular glutamate (which has long been associated with increased seizure likelihood) is significantly linked with declining energetics as measured by 31PMR, as well as with increased EEG measures of Teager energy, further arguing for a direct role of glutamate with hyperexcitability. Discussion: Given the important contribution that metabolic performance makes toward excitability in brain, it is not surprising that numerous aspects of mitochondrial and energetic state link significantly with electrophysiologic and microdialysis measures in human epilepsy. This may be of particular relevance with the self-propagating nature of mitochondrial injury, but may also help define the conditions for which interventions may be developed. © 2008 International League Against Epilepsy. Фрагменты из рекомендаций авторам журналов издательства Emerald Авторское резюме (реферат, abstract) является кратким резюме большей по объему работы, имеющей научный ха- рактер, которое публикуется в отрыве от основного текста и, следовательно, само по себе должно быть понятным без ссылки на саму публикацию. Оно должно излагать существенные факты работы и не должно преувеличивать или содер- жать материал, который отсутствует в основной части публикации. Авторское резюме выполняет функцию справочного инструмента (для библиотеки, реферативной службы), позволяющего читателю понять, следует ли ему читать или не читать полный текст. Авторское резюме включает следующее. 1. Цель работы в сжатой форме. Предыстория (история вопроса) может быть приведена только в том случае, если она связана контекстом с целью. 2. 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Примеры, как не надо писать реферат, приведены на сайте издательства (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/abstracts.htm?part=3& ). На сайте издательства также приведены примеры рефератов для различных типов статей (обзоры, научные статьи, концептуальные статьи, практические статьи): http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/abstracts.htm?part=2&PHPSESSID=hdac5 rtkb73ae013ofk4g8nrv1.