Tool profile stationarity while simulating surface plastic deformation by rolling as a process of flat periodically reproducible deformation

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Том 20 № 3 2018 EQUIPMEN . INSTRUM TS Vol. 3 No. 2 2021 Ta b l e 3 Coefficients of intersection lines approximation of the roller surface and the strain plane by fourth-order polynomials Coefficient a = 0 ° a = 6 ° a 0 15 15 a 1 0.0009 0.0005 a 2 –0.0731 –0.0741 a 3 0.0011 0.001 a 4 –0.0006 –0.0006 Table 4 shows the calculated y cp values by the specified z cp values for the strain plane inclination angles of 0° and 6°, the deviation of the profile for 6° relative to the profile for 0° 0 6 0 , O O O cp cp cp cp y y y − D = (14) as well as the deviation of the profile for 0° from the forming part, 0 , O p cp h R y = − (15) this value characterizes the vertical size of the plastic wave, if the contact of the tool and the part begins at this value of z cp . Ta b l e 4 Changing the tool profile when the strain plane is rotated z p , mm y cp 0 ° , mm y cp 6 ° , mm D cp h , mm 0.5 14.982 14.982 0.003 % 0.018 1.0 14.928 14.927 0.010 % 0.073 1.5 14.838 14.834 0.021 % 0.166 2.0 14.709 14.703 0.038 % 0.297 2.5 14.539 14.530 0.061 % 0.470 3.0 14.326 14.313 0.090 % 0.687 The dependence of the profile deviation on h is shown in Fig. 8. Analysis of the results obtained shows that even for h = 0.6 mm, which corresponds to the intense plastic flow of the metal during rolling, the change in the coordinates of the points of the roller profile when turning the deformation plane does not exceed 0.1 %. With an increase in the diameter of the part, the diameter of the roller, as well as with a decrease in the wave height, the change in the roller profile decreases. This gives grounds to assert that modeling of rolling as a process of plane fractional deformation using a constant roller profile does not lead to any significant error.