Calculation of radial material removal and the thickness of the layer with the current roughness when grinding brittle non-metallic materials

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 technology The numerical solution of equation (6) is performed for the conditions of grinding holes in bars made of sitall (AS-370) with a tool AW 60×25×13 63C F90 M 7 B A 50 m/s (the speed of the grinding head – 35 and 50 m/s, the speed of the bar – 0.25 m/s, the axial feed – 33 mm/s, the cross feed – 0.008 mm/stroke). The results are presented in graphs in figures 4 and 5. Fig. 4. Width of the contact area of the workpiece with the grinding wheel without ( ––––– ) and with (– – –) radial material removal: 1– = 9, 22 f t µm, 2 – = 14, 65 f t µm; 3 – = 23, 76 f t µm, 4 – = 30, 58 f t µm Fig. 5. Influence of wheel speed on radial metal removal and thickness of layer with current roughness when grinding sitall workpieces (AS-370)