Improving the efficiency of surface-thermal hardening of machine parts in conditions of combination of processing technologies, integrated on a single machine tool base

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 technology Due to the fact that the issues of developing new hybrid machine tool systems belong to critical production and industrial technologies, there is a lack of experimental work in the literature aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of its design and implementation. Purpose of work is to increase productivity and reduce energy consumption during surface-thermal hardening of machine parts by exposure to concentrated energy sources under conditions of integrated processing. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: 1. To propose a method of structural analysis that makes it possible to perform effectively pre-design studies in the development of hybrid metalworking equipment and to prove the possibility of embedding a concentrated energy source in a standard machine system. 2. To establish the relationship of the numerical values of the operating parameters of the HEH HFC on the quality characteristics of the surface layer of the processed parts. To develop a methodology for assigning high-energy heating modes with high-frequency currents in integrated processing conditions. 3. To test industrially a complex of equipment that implements the HEH HFC technology, proving the effectiveness of its introduction into production. Experimental technique To determine the executive movements of a hybrid metalworking system (HMS) and the required number of its configurable parameters, the main provisions of the structural and kinematic synthesis of metal-cutting machines were used [37, 46, 47]. Studies of the possible structural composition and layout of HMS during the integration of mechanical and surface-thermal processes were carried out taking into account the main provisions of structural synthesis and the components of metalworking systems presented in [37, 48–56]. To solve the problem of determining the operational loads of a hybrid metalworking system, a universal method was used to substantiate the technical characteristics of integrated machine equipment based on mathematical simulation of its operating conditions [57, 58]. Materials and methods of field experiments A plunger barrels (Fig. 3) made of steel 45 and U8A were selected as samples for field experiments (Table 1). The composition of the starting material was determined using an ARL 3460 optical emission spectrometer. Fig. 3 . Plunger barrel