Improving the efficiency of surface-thermal hardening of machine parts in conditions of combination of processing technologies, integrated on a single machine tool base

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 technology Fig. 6. Structural kinematic schemes for processing a cylindrical surface: a – turning and diamond smoothing; b – surface hardening by HEH HFC with loop inductor with a magnetic core а b Simulation of the technical characteristics of hybrid metalworking equipment has shown that in order to ensure a level of forming performance comparable to mechanical operations, it is necessary to process HEH HFC at speeds of the order of V p ∈ [50, 100] mm/s. Conducting field experiments allowed us to determine the range of specific power of the source q s ( h , V p ), with which it is required to process the HEH HFC: q s ∈ [1.5; 4.0] 108 W/m 2 . To ensure the lower frequency range of the spindle with the workpiece rotation, the main motion drive was upgraded, consisting in its retrofitting with a frequency converter HF Inverter model F1500-G0015S2B . Confirmation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed hybrid equipment is con - sidered using the example of the finishing stage of the technological process of plunger barrel processing (Fig. 3), built according to two different schemes: according to the factory technology and using the pro- posed integrated processing. The final stage of the existing technological process of manufacturing a plunger barrel includes the fol - lowing operations: turning, HEH HFC hardening and grinding (table 2). According to the conditions of the drawing, the outer cylindrical surface 1 should have a hardened layer with a depth of 0.6...1.0 mm with a