Improving the efficiency of surface-thermal hardening of machine parts in conditions of combination of processing technologies, integrated on a single machine tool base

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 technology Fig. 7. Structural kinematic scheme of the hybrid metalworking system: the structural formula is C h 0Z(Xrd 1 +WUd 2 ) Fig. 8. Hybrid metal working machine surface microhardness level of 700...800 HV. It is required to determine: the size D 1 , the tolerance for which is set; the technological depth of HEH HFC hardening А Т and the tolerance for it δ Т ; the minimum allow - ance for final processing z min . The solution of this problem was carried out according to the method presented in [61], according to which D 1 = D i- 1 and δ i- 1 = 0.1 mm, A K = 0.6...1.0 = 0.6 +0.4 mm, the tolerance of the closing link δ K = 0.4 mm. 1. To determine the permissible variation of the cutting depth δ t , it is necessary to know the value of the tolerance for the HFC hardening depth δ Т , which, as a rule, is determined on the basis of experimental data. HFC quenching is carried out with the stabilization of the supplied power. In this case, the main criterion