Influence of the chemical composition of the matrix on the structure and properties of monolithic SHS composites

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 Ta b l e 1 The chemical composition of powder mixtures for obtaining SHS composites, mass. % No. TRC (Ti + C + B) Fe Ni Cr Cu 1 30 70 0 0 0 2 30 50 20 0 0 3 30 35 20 15 0 4 30 0 0 0 70 Fig. 1 . Appearance of sandwich panels made of SHS composites determined by energy and wave dispersive spectroscopy by OXFORD. Phase X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on a SHIMADZU X-ray diffractometer in Kα chromium radiation. Density was determined using hydrostatic weighing of the samples in the air and in the distilled water. Weighing was carried out using analytical weights Ohas Pioner PA 214. Density of the composite was determined using the following formula: 1 â 1 2 , m m m ρ = ρ − (2) where m 1 – mass of the sample in the air, m 2 – mass of the sample in the water, ρ в – density of the distilled water (ρ в = 998 kg/m 3 ). Sample error was no more than 0.2 % from the measured value. Lateral bend trials were conducted using GOST 20019-74 “Sintered hard alloys. Transverse bending strength trial method”. Trials were conducted on samples Type A (dimensions 35x5x5 mm), trial speed was 0.2 mm/min, distance between support axis was 30 mm. Transverse bending strength R bm 30 was calculated using the following formula: 2 3 , 2 bm Fl R bh = (3) where F – the greatest force, corresponding to the moment of destruction of the supports, N; l – distance between support axes, mm; h – height of the sample (size, corresponding to the direction of force during the trial), mm; b – width (size, corresponding to the perpendicular height), mm. Abrasive wear resistance tests were carried out according to the procedure described in detail in [26, 27]. The wear resistance of the samples was evaluated by the relative change in mass ( Δm rel. ), which was calculated by the formula: Δ m rel .= Δ m/m 0 , (4) where m 0 – initial mass of the sample; m – mass of the sample after the trials.