Influence of the parameters of deforming cutting on the features of the resulting slotted filter structures
OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 4 2021 TECHNOLOGY Fig. 10. Uniform slots: а – outer side; b – inner side; c – slots cross section а b c a visually uniform width. By the dependences known for DC , the maximum depth of cut at which the sta- bility of the process is maintained increases with an increase in feed. The minimum feed at which, in the course of the experiments, it was possible to obtain uniform slots of this type is 0.06 mm/rev at a depth of cut of 0.55 mm, which corresponds to the theoretical width and length of the slots of 23 μ m and 1 mm, re- spectively. On the inner side of the corrugations, the formation of burrs is noted at each point where the cut- ter exits the material. This should be taken into account later in the practical implementation of the method. Group “2” – twinning (Fig. 11). At cutting depths beyond the upper boundary of the region “ A ”, a pairwise convergence of the edges bounding the slots was noted, conventionally called twinning, leading to the “collapse” of every second slot, which, with the same thickness of the edges, increases the width of the uncollapsed slots. In some cases, with a further increase in the depth of cut, a transition from pairwise grouping of edges (doublets) to grouping of 3 pieces was also observed (in triplets). These cases were also conditionally assigned to group “2”. Despite the fact that such structures have regularity, as of now they have not been found to have potential useful applications for fi ltering tasks, and therefore they belong to the area of conditional reject – area “ B ” in the diagram (Fig. 9). Group “3” – stripping of every second slot wall (Fig. 12). At a feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev and a cutting depth of 1 mm or more, a pairwise convergence of the slot walls was noted, accompanied by the breakdown of one of the slot walls in each pair. This effect is also attributed to the area of conditional reject “ B ”.
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