Assessment of the effect of the steels structure dispersion on its magnetic and mechanical properties

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 No. 4 2021 Fig. 11. Dependence of the residuals for the magnitude of the internal stresses obtained for steels of different grades on the hardness at different heat treatment of samples Ta b l e 4 Data obtained from regression analysis Coef fi cients Standard error t -statistics P -value Y P 0.282 0.013 21.908 4.8E-11 X P1 0.006 0.001 6.574 2.64E-05 Low 95% High 95% Y -intersection 0.254 0.309 Variable X 1 0.004 0.008 The results of the one-way analysis of variance for the obtained data [35–37] are presented in Table 5. Where “ SS ” is the sum of squares of deviations, “ df ” is the degree of freedom, the graph “ MS ” is the mean- square value, “ F ” is the criterion of the actual F -distribution. A statistical signi fi cance was tested by comparing variance due to between-group variation and variance due to intra-group variation. The obtained intra-group variances are compared using the F -test. It deter- mines whether the difference between the average values is statistically signi fi cant and whether the ratio of variances is greater than 1. The F -signi fi cance shows the difference between the average values. This value is insigni fi cant. It is concluded that there is a null hypothesis. Here is a dependency correlation between the grain size factor and the surface hardness of steel. Ta b l e 5 Results of one-way analysis of variance ANOVA df SS MS F Signi fi cance of F Regression 1 0.009 0.009 43.214 2.64E-05