Structural and mechanical properties of stainless steel formed under conditions of layer-by-layer fusion of a wire by an electron beam
OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 No. 4 2021 a b Fig. 4. Surface of the sections of WAAM -obtained AISI 308LSi steel specimens: longitudinal section ( a ), cross section ( b ) Fig. 5. Microstructure of three surfaces of the sample temperature stabilized δ - Fe -based phase with BCC and a unit cell parameter of 2.8613 Å. According to the X-ray fl uorescence analysis, the mass fractions for austenitic and ferrite phases have amounted to 79 and 21±3 wt% , correspondingly. The diffraction patterns from different planes of the WAAM -specimens are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. The XRD analysis has revealed that the matrix phase is a γ - Fe -based solid solution with FCC lattice. The second phase is a - Fe -based solid solution with BCC lattice. The results are in line with the Cr - Ni - Fe triple system (Fig. 9) [25].
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