Synthesis of titanium carbide and titanium diboride for metal processing and ceramics production

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 23 No. 4 2021 Conclusion The analysis of titanium carbide and diboride application area has been presented in connection with metal working. Titanium carbide is used in production of tungsten-free hard alloys, wear-resistant coatings, and carbidosteels. It’s an advanced abrasive used for fi nishing grinding/polishing work. Titanium carbide and diboride fi nd application in manufacture of cutting tools. Titanium diboride can be used as a modifying additive in production of wear-resistant ceramics based on boron carbide. The synthesis of titanium carbide and diboride is studied. Nano fi brous carbon ( NFC ) is used as a reduc- ing agent and characterized by a high value of the speci fi c surface (about 150 m 2 /g). Certain characteristics of the obtained powders are examined. The content of the basic substance amounts to 97.5…98.0 wt.% in the powders. The processes of these compounds formation are presumably accomplished through the transfer of high and low oxides vapors onto the surface of hard carbon (synthesis of titanium carbide), and the transfer of high and low oxides vapors together with boron vapors onto the surface of hard carbon (synthesis of titanium diboride). Powders are highly-dispersive (an average particle size is about 10 μ m) or polydisperse. For this reason, they are promising for a number of metalworking processes and for produc- ing ceramics based on boron carbide. References 1. Kiparisov S.S., Levinskii Yu.V., Petrov A.P. Karbid titana: poluchenie, svoistva, primenenie [Titanium car- bide: preparation, properties, application]. Moscow, Metallurgiya Publ., 1987. 216 p. 2. Serebryakova T.I., Neronov V.A., Peshev P.D. Vysokotemperaturnye boridy [High temperature borides]. Mos- cow, Metallurgiya, Chelyabinsk branch Publ., 1991. 368 p. 3. Mroz C. Annual minerals review: titanium diboride. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 1995, vol. 74, pp. 158–159. 4. Doron’kin E.D. Bezvol’framovye tverdye splavy [Tungsten-free hard alloys]. Tsvetnye metally = Non-ferrous metals , 1983, no. 7, pp. 45–46. (In Russian). 5. Rangaraj L., Barman K., Divacar C., Jayaram V. Reactive hot pressing of Ti–B–C and Ti–C at 1200° C. Ce- ramics International , 2013, vol. 39, pp. 5955–5961. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.12.016. 6. Zou B., Huang C., Song J., Liu Z., Liu L., Zhao Y. Mechanical properties and microstructure of TiB 2 –TiC com- posite ceramic cutting tool material. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard materials , 2012, vol. 35, pp. 1–9. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2012.02.011. 7. Zou B., Ji W., Huang C., Wang J., Li S., Xu K. Effect of super fi ne refractory carbide additives on microstruc- ture and mechanical properties of TiB 2 –TiC+Al 2 O 3 composite ceramic cutting tool materials. Jourmal of Alloys and Compounds , 2014, vol. 585, pp. 192–202. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.09.119. 8. Fouvry S., Wendler B., Liskiewits T., Dudek M., Kolodziejczyk L. Fretting wear analysis of TiC/VC multi- layered hard coatings: experiments and modeling approaches. Wear , 2004, vol. 257, pp. 641–653. DOI: 10.1016/j. wear.2004.02.009. 9. Wang X.-h., Zou Z.-d., Qu S.-y. Microstructure of Fe-based alloy hardfacing coating reinforced by TiC-VC particles. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, International , 2006, vol. 13 (4), pp. 51–55. DOI: 10.1016/S1006- 706X(06)60078-2. 10. Adamovskii A.A. Abrazivnye materialy iz metallopodobnykh tugoplavkikh soedinenii [Abrasive materials from metal-like refractory compounds]. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya = Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceram- ics , 1974, no. 5, pp. 49–56. (In Russian). 11. Merzhanov A.G., Karyuk G.G., Borovinskaya I.P., Sharivker S.Yu., Moshkovsky E.I., Prokudina V.K., Dy- adko E.G. Karbid titana, poluchennyi metodom samorasprostranyayushchegosya vysokotemperaturnogo sinteza – vysokoeffektivnyi abrazivnyi material [Titanium carbide obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis is a highly ef fi cient abrasive material]. Poroshkovaya metallurgiya = Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics , 1981, no. 10, pp. 50–55. (In Russian). 12. Kul’kov S.N., Gnyusov S.F. Karbidostali na osnove karbidov titana i vol’frama [Carbide steels based on titanium and tungsten carbides]. Tomsk, Scienti fi c and Technical Literature Publ., 2006. 240 p. 13. Svistun L.I. Karbidostali konstruktsionnogo naznacheniya: izgotovlenie, svoistva, primenenie (obzor) [Car- bide steel for structural purposes: manufacturing, properties, application (review)]. Izvestiya vuzov. Poroshkovaya