Calculation of temperatures during finishing milling of a nickel based alloys

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 1 2022 technology Due to the fact that during milling the conditions are quasi-adiabatic (there is an exchange with the environment and the material being processed), the temperature can be determined as follows: 1 Pe w T K A A ∆ ′ = ⋅ ⋅ , (10) 1 b V melt S A C T = . (11) Now the defining equation will take the following form: 1 exp( ) m w p q w Pe A A K B A A K d ε = ε − ε. (12) After integrating equation (12), and then differentiating, the points were found at which the highest values of cutting strength on the face surface are achieved: 0 0 0 1 1 exp 1 1 p b b ï b m m m S S B A K S θ τ  −    τ  +  =     − ε       q Pe , (13) 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 m ï b ï q Pe b m S AK B A K S + τ θ ε       ε =         −            . (14) To calculate the temperatures on the major flank of the tool, the same formulas were used, but with different values of the coefficients: 0 0 0 2 1 exp 1 1 p b b ç b m m m S S B A K S θ τ  −    τ  +  =     − ε       q Pe , (15) 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 m ï b ç q Pe b m S AK B A K S + τ θ ε       ε =         −            . (16) Due to equations (10–12), dependences (13 and 15) are heat sources on the face and flank surfaces, respectively. Then, using the iteration method in the Excel software environment, the temperatures on the face and flank surfaces were calculated and graphs were plotted. Below are graphs of the theoretical calculation of temperatures on the face surface of the cutting blade (Figure 3) and on the flank surface of the cutting blade (Figure 4) on the example of milling 56% Ni-Cr-W-Mo-Co-Al alloy with a Seco JS513050D2C.0Z3NXT carbide cutter (diameter 5 mm, number of teeth 3, helix angle 46o, end cutting edge angle j = 90o, rake angle λ = 0o, actual back rake angle λ =8o) with the following milling modes: V = 15.7 m/min; S min = = 52 mm/min; Sz = 0.0175 mm/tooth; n = 1,000 rpm; t = 0.1 mm. These graphs help to analyze and control the temperature process during milling because temperature change is directly related to changes in milling (cutting) modes.