Effect of the deformation degree at low temperatures on the phase transformations and properties of metastable austenitic steels

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 1 2022 Fig. 7. The infl uence of low temperatures and the presence of stress concentrators on the value of the ultimate strength of steels: a – 12Cr18Ni10Ti [4]; b – 10Cr14NMn20; c) 10Cr14Mn14Ni4Ti a b c by a higher level of yield strength, and also that steels in the deformed state have higher values of the yield strength (Figure 7). The paper analyzes the infl uence of low temperatures and stress concentrators on the value of the percentage reduction of area of the studied steels in the deformed and cast state. The value of the percentage reduction of area on samples with a notch is signifi cantly lower than without it. It is known [4] that a notch hinders the development of plastic deformation, which begins at its tip, since the proportion of tangential stresses sharply decreases from the notch to the center of the sample. The infl uence of a sharp deep notch is manifested for all steels, regardless of its strength level, type of crystal lattice, toughness and plasticity. It is established that according to the characteristics of the percentage reduction of area, steel 10Cr14Mn14Ni4Ti is not inferior to steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti (Figure 8). The data for steel 10Cr14NMn20 are at an acceptable level, although for the cast condition values of the percentage reduction of area is somewhat lower than those for steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti.