Machining technology, digital modelling and shape control device for large parts

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV TECHNOLOGY Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 The need to perform this operation is due to the fact that if the actual value of the shape error in this area is exceeded, the required parameters of geometric accuracy of the rolling surface shape per the calculated number of working strokes during the last transition may fail to be achieved. The results of the virtual simulation of the machining process in CAD NX made it possible to conclude that the actual parameters of the geometric accuracy of the shape of M-2 area correspond to the calculated ones. Thus, no correction of the machining route was required. According to calculations, in order to ensure the specifi ed accuracy of the shape of the entire remaining surface at the 52nd transition it is necessary to produce 14 working strokes characterized by a different amount of cutting tool extension for each surface area. At the same time, the 15th working stroke with the processing depth of 0.07 mm was introduced to ensure the required surface quality (Ra 6.3–12.5 μm). Fig. 12 shows the computed distribution of the maximum machining allowance for each machined area and working stroke. Fig. 12. Distribution of maximum allowances for processing a surface area on a working stroke of the 52nd transition