Machining technology, digital modelling and shape control device for large parts

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 TECHNOLOGY Simulation and determination of geometric parameters of the accuracy of the rolling surface shape at the 52nd transition using CAD confi rmed the reliability of the calculated processing modes and the resulting error values. The main processing time along the specifi ed route taking into account processing until the stop and the riding ring revolution rate of ~ 1 rpm will be: 1st transition: 2 pass 100 mm 2 rev 2 pass 8 min; 50 mm/rev 1 rpm 1 rpm (for cutting extension)      (13) 51st transition: 5 pass 100 mm 2 rev 50 pass 200 min; 50 mm/rev 1 rpm 1 rpm      (14) 52nd transition: 2 pass 100 mm 1 pass 600 mm 14 pass 800 mm 2 rev 15 pass 200 min. 50 mm/rev 1 rpm 50 rpm 1 rpm 50 mm/rev 1 rpm 1 rpm            (15) The total processing time was 478 minutes or 7.97 hours. Using a virtual model when assigning a technological allowance for machining The algorithm for measuring and determining the accuracy parameters of the cross-sectional shape may be implemented in a processing machine module. The enlarged scheme of the proposed technology is divided into two main stages: calculation and simulation of the processing route, machining and preset operations to determine the shape accuracy. To calculate the technological allowance, an analysis of the machined surface is carried out according to the data on its parameters obtained at the measurement stage. Then, the current technological base for the next pass is determined based on the calculation results, and the parameters of the processing module are adjusted based on the calculations. After machining, the geometric parameters of the shape are checked and the process route is adjusted. The measured surface and the regulatory requirements for the surface are used as the initial data for calculations. The essential difference of this technology is that processing is carried out up to the parameters of the maximum inscribed circular cylinder, taking into account regulatory requirements, but, if necessary, it can be processed more accurately. Processing is performed until the required shape accuracy reaches the desired value. Based on the results of the virtual simulation of the machining process in CAD NX, the actual parameters of the shape accuracy correspond to the calculated ones. Thus, no adjustment of the machining route was required. Development and manufacture of a measuring device To implement the above algorithm for measuring the shape accuracy parameters, an experimental sample of the measuring device [23] was developed; its scheme is shown in Fig. 13 [23]. Fig. 14 and 15 show the implemented design of the experimental surface shape control measuring device based on sensors and electronic components of the domestic manufacturer [24]. The experimental assembly (Fig. 15) consists of a base plate (1) on which one roller support (2) and an experimental model of the measuring device (3) are hinged. The model of the body (4) with its external surface rests on support roller and probes of the surface measuring device. The side surface of the body model rests on adjustable supports of the base plate. After assembling and connecting the measuring device model to the computer (5), the measuring algorithm was debugged. With this arrangement, the required number of degrees of freedom of the surface