Theoretical simulation of the process interelectrode space flushing during copy-piercing EDM of products made of polymer composite materials

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 TECHNOLOGY Oil fl ow geometry was collected using an enlarged image of the electrode cross section and simplifi ed to reduce computation time. The number of elements of the tetrahedral grid varied from 7.8·106 to 6.4·106 in the hole of the workpiece according to the geometry of the volumetric fl ow due to small geometric features within the processing zone. Calculations were carried out in the Ansis Fluid Flow module. Results and discussion Based on the data obtained, it is found that the infl uence of the nozzles angle on the fl ushing effi ciency is not signifi cant when processing a PCM sample to a depth of 2 mm. Figures 9–11 show that the laminar fl ow of the fl uid predominates. With a processing depth of 10 mm, it is found that the laminar movement of the working fl uid prevails for the nozzle located at an angle of 15˚. Turbulence is formed in the processing zone. The fl ows of 2 nozzles collide in this zone. It is noted that for nozzles located at angles of 45˚ and 75˚ turbulence is formed in the interelectrode gap and entails a slight decrease in pressure. Sludge removal from the processing zone is diffi cult (Figures 12–14). Figures 15–17 show that at a working depth of 15 mm for a nozzle located at an angle of 15˚, the laminar movement abruptly turns into turbulent. In the processing zone, the fl ows of the two nozzles collide. Turbulent motion dominates completely. It is established that when processing holes of a given depth and above, the location of the nozzles at an angle of 45˚ and 75˚ relative to the tool axis is inappropriate. This is caused by high fl ow turbulence and loss of transformer oil pressure in the processing zone (Figures 15–17). а b Fig. 9. Depth 2 mm, nozzle angle 15°: a – computation of the pressure of the working fl uid; b – fl ow distribution models а b Fig. 10. Depth 2 mm, nozzle angle 45°: a – computation of the pressure of the working fl uid; b – fl ow distribution models