Theoretical simulation of the process interelectrode space flushing during copy-piercing EDM of products made of polymer composite materials

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV TECHNOLOGY Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 а b Fig. 17. Depth 15 mm, nozzle angle 75°: a – computation of the pressure of the working fl uid; b – fl ow distribution models From the presented fi gures, it can be concluded that when the nozzles are located at 45˚ and 75˚, the turbulent movement prevails. This entails a reduction in pressure. The pressure value for the nozzle at 75˚ does not exceed 0.07 MPa, while the nozzle at 15˚ provides a rational pressure in the processing zone from 0.1 MPa to 0.2 MPa. It is shown that the location of the nozzle at 75˚ for processing holes deeper than 10 mm reduces the pressure in the processing zone by 2 times. For processing holes deeper than 15 mm, the location of the nozzles at 75˚ critically affects the pressure and speed of the working fl uid, and the time of evacuation of eroded particles from the processing zone. This negatively impacts performance. To clarify the theoretical computation, experimental studies were carried out to measure the performance of the EDM of PCM products (Figure 18). Fig. 18. Performance values It is shown that when processing holes with a depth of 2 mm, the value of the fl ushing nozzle angle of inclination does not affect the performance of the EDM. The effect of the infl uence of the nozzles inclination angle is manifested during the EDM to a depth of 10 and 15 mm. A decrease in the value of the productivity of the process of EDM is observed due to the diffi culty in fl ushing the interelectrode space from sludge. The angle of the fl ushing nozzle inclination should be taken into account for processing holes with a depth of 10 mm or more. For effective processing, eroded particles should be removed from the gap. During the experimental study, when processing holes