Theoretical simulation of the process interelectrode space flushing during copy-piercing EDM of products made of polymer composite materials

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 TECHNOLOGY with a depth of 15 mm, sticking of sludge to the ET is observed, as well as the closure of the EDM process, the occurrence of secondary discharges in the processing zone, which caused the processing to stop. The obtained experimental data confi rm the results of theoretical computation. Conclusion 1. A theoretical model is obtained. This model describes the process of fl ushing the EDM zone for different depths of processing and the location of the nozzles for supplying the working fl uid. 2. It is established that at a processing depth of 2 mm, the location of the nozzles does not affect the quality of fl ushing and the performance of the EDM of PCM grade VKU-39. The laminar fl ow of the fl uid predominates. 3. It is shown that when the EDM of PCM grade VKU-39 to a depth of 10 mm and 15 mm, the location of the nozzles affects the quality of fl ushing and the performance of processing. The highest performance value is achieved when the nozzles are located at an angle of 15˚. For processing holes with a depth of 10 mm or more, the angle of fl ushing nozzle inclination should be taken into account. For effective processing, eroded particles should be removed from the processing zone. When processing at angles of 45˚ and 75˚, turbulent fl uid fl ow occurs. Also, the possibility of secondary discharges arises. The sticking of sludge on the surface of the ET and the occurrence of a short circuit are experimentally confi rmed. This leads to the instability of the process of EDM of products from PCM grade VKU-39. For holes with a depth of 15 mm, the location of the nozzles at 75˚ critically affects the pressure, speed of the working fl uid and the evacuation of eroded particles from the processing zone. This reduces performance. 4. The conducted experimental studies show the effi ciency of the obtained theoretical model. It is established that when processing blind holes with a depth of about 15 mm, it is necessary to set the nozzle angle to 15˚. With this arrangement of nozzles, the liquid pressure values and the sludge output are stable. This ensures the highest productivity in the case of deep hole EDM in products made from PCM grade VKU-39. References 1. Sarde B., Patil Y.D. Recent research status on polymer composite used in concrete – An overview. Materials Today Proceedings, 2019, vol. 18, pp. 3780–3790. DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.316. 2. Yahaya R., Sapuan S.M., Jawaid M., Leman Z., Zainudin E.S. Mechanical performance of woven kenafKevlar hybrid composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014, vol. 33 (24), pp. 2242–2254. DOI: 10.1177/0731684414559864. 3. Thomason J. A review of the analysis and characterisation of polymeric glass fi bre sizings. Polymer Testing, 2020, vol. 85, p. 106421. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2020.106421. 4. Shlykov E.S., Ablyaz T.R., Oglezneva S.A. Electrical discharge machining of polymer composites. Russian Engineering Research, 2020, vol. 40, pp. 878–879. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X20100275. 5. Ablyaz T.R., Muratov K.R., Shlykov E.S., Shipunov G.S., Shakirzyanov T.V. Electric-discharge machining of polymer composites. Russian Engineering Research, 2019, vol. 39, pp. 898–900. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X19100058. 6. Ablyaz T.R., Shlykov E.S., Muratov K.R., Sidhu S.S. Analysis of wire-cut electro discharge machining of polymer composite materials. Micromachines, 2021, vol. 12 (5), p. 571. DOI: 10.3390/mi12050571. 7. Yilmaz O., Okka M.A. Effect of single and multi-channel electrodes application on EDM fast hole drilling performance. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, vol. 51, pp. 185–194. DOI: 10.1007/s00170-010-2625-3. 8. Bozdana A.T., Ulutas T. The effectiveness of multichannel electrodes on drilling blind holes on Inconel 718 by EDM process. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2016, vol. 31, pp. 504–513. DOI: 10.1080/10426914.20 15.1059451. 9. Haas P., Pontelandolfo P., Perez R. Particle hydrodynamics of the electrical discharge machining process. Pt. 1: Physical considerations and wire EDM process improvement. Procedia CIRP, 2013, vol. 6, pp. 41–46. DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2013.03.006.