Deformations in the nonstationary stage of aluminum alloy rod extrusion process with a low elongation ratio

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV TECHNOLOGY Vol. 24 No. 2 2022 a b Fig. 2. The front of the rod at the exit of the die (a) and the cutting surface of the rods (b) a friction index equal to 0.7 [21] by Siebel’s law, which is due to the high level of normal stresses characteristic for extrusion [22, 23], in contrast to rolling, where Coulomb’s law is applied. The diameter of a container is 800 mm, the extrusion die diameter is 355.6 mm, and the elongation ratio in this process is 5.06. It is extrusion with a light reduction. In accordance with equations (1) and (2) other deformation indicators can be estimated:  = 1.62, %  The deformable medium properties are described by a model from the program interface: AL6061 Machining-Johnson, the strain range: 0-5; the strain rate range: 0-100,000 s-1; the temperature range: 20–550 оС. Additionally, these data are verifi ed with the properties given in the source [24]. Results and discussion Fig. 3, a shows the result of solving the problem in the form of equal strain areas in the extrusion stationary stage for the rod longitudinal section. Accordingly, Fig. 3, b shows a strain distribution graph along the radial coordinate r. The strain is distributed nonuniform: in the rod center, the strain is equal to 1.1, and on the periphery is 4.5; the difference is 100·(4.5–1.1)/1.1 = 309 %. a b Fig. 3. Distribution of the strain degree in the longitudinal section of the pressed rod in the stationary stage (a) and the graph of the distribution of this value along the radial coordinate (b)