On the issue of limiting the irregular motion of a technological machine within specified limits

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Том 23 № 3 2021 EQUIPMEN . INSTRUM TS Vol. 4 No. 2 2022 occurs when the moment created by the motor is not constant or the moment of useful resistance is variable [1–11]. Increasing interest in the practice of designing machines for mixing bulk materials is given to drives with irregular motion of the working body. This is due to the fact that in this case the shortening of the entire kinematic chain of the drive is ensured, and at the same time, the quality of the agitated product is improved due to the elimination of dead zones during mixing of the specifi ed type of product [4–7, 9, 10, 12–20]. The problem of regulating speed fl uctuations for any mechanism is essential, because the time interval of this movement is the working time during which the main technological operation is performed – mixing the bulk product [21–23]. In this case, the question may arise about the regulation of motion speeds both during the idling of the machine and during the execution of the main technological operation. The structure of the device may include various types of mechanisms, including lever type, cam, gear, as well as cam-gearlever, mechanisms with elliptical wheels, differential, etc. In this paper, the authors propose the design of a device with a planetary gear in its drive. The use of such a drive will increase the performance of the equipment, its technical and economic effi ciency, which in turn will improve the competitiveness of newly designed machines. When synthesizing mechanisms of this type at the design stage of drives, it is necessary to know the amplitudes of oscillations of the speeds of the drive shaft both during the acceleration of this machine and during steady motion [24–27]. The identifi cation of patterns of change in the speeds of the drive shaft will allow determining the motion irregularity ratio and actively introducing in the design process of the machine, regulating it with the help of rational placement of the inertial-mass components of the designed product and correctly setting the magnitude and pattern of changes in the technological load. An analysis of the scientifi c literature in this area indicates that insuffi cient attention is paid to the study of rotation irregularities and its infl uence on the dynamics of mechanisms, especially when it comes to solving equations taking into account the characteristics of the motor. [1–10, 12, 14, 15, 17–22, 24–27]. The control of the drive devices of machines for mixing bulk materials between the energy infl ow and its consumption to overcome external resistances can have different goals, including maintaining a certain performance [24–27]. Graph analytical methods are usually used to determine the moments of inertia of the fl ywheel masses (fl ywheels) for a given maximum of the machine irregular motion since analytical expression of the motor mechanical properties is problematic [6–10, 14–17]. Usually, driving moments are set as an arbitrary function of the rotation angle or assumed constant. In this case, it is not possible to take into account feedback, i.e., the infl uence of the magnitude of the external resistance on the motion speed of the driver and, as a consequence, on the magnitude of the irregular motion of the drive shaft [16–22, 23–27]. The reduced moments of inertia of the machine may be constant or dependent on the position of the driver. For a wide variety of machine mechanisms, the main power and kinematic characteristics depend on the functions of the driver position [1–11], including in the case under consideration. Most problems in the kinematic analysis of mechanisms assume that the driver moves at a constant speed. However, such an assumption can only be attributed to mechanisms that have a constant moment of inertia (a reduced one). The situation is more complicated with the reduced inertial forces. |It can practically be constant only for bodies having the coordinates of centers on the axis of rotation [5–14, 17–20]. The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology that allows determining and regulate the nonuniform rotation of the drive shaft, taking into account the characteristics of the motor, the forces of useful resistance and the inertia of the masses of the mechanism. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of a unifi ed methodology that allows adjusting the non-uniform rotation of the drive shaft at the stage of designing mechanisms of this type. Theory and methodology It is supposed to consider the above model of the mechanism on the example of a food machine designed for mixing bulk material, in which the moments of resistance, inertia forces and the moments of