Theoretical analysis of passive rail grinding

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 24 No. 3 2022 TECHNOLOGY a b Fig. 9. Force interaction of grinding wheels schemes: a – HSG method; b – STU method value of λ is the same for both methods. To simplify further comparative calculations for both grinding graphs it is assumed that λ = 1. Using the graphs shown in Fig. 9a, the constituent forces generated between the grinding wheel and the rail can be determined. For the HSG grinding method, the constituent forces are determined by the following equations: cos cos , r t F F Q      (6) sin sin . g t F F Q      (7) For the STU method: cos , t r t F e Q e F F R R      (8) 2 2 2 2 sin . t g t F R e Q R e F F R R        (9) From the above equations (6)–(9), it can be seen that an increase in one of the components of the force leads to a decrease in the second. The ratios of the constituent forces are determined by the angle of α for the HSG method and for the STU method, the angle of φ is determined by the eccentricity e. As an example, let’s calculate all possible ranges of the angle α and eccentricity e using equations (6)– (9). The following values will be used: Q = 500 N and λ = 1, R = 125 mm. The results of the calculations are displayed in the diagrams shown in Fig. 10. Both graphs (Fig. 10) show that there is a point of intersection of the dependences of the force action components Fr and Fg. Those areas of the graphs, where the force Fr, which causes the grinding wheel to rotate, is less than the cutting force Fg, are characterized by the fact that the grinding wheel has less ability to turn. At the same time, the greater the difference in the values of these components of the force, the less