Microstructure and residual stresses of ZrN/CrN multilayer coatings formed by the plasma-assisted vacuum-arc method

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 3 2022 Fig. 5. Series of asymmetric synchrotron radiation surveys in the range of 2Θ 65° – 77° for the ZrN phase peak (222) of sample ZrN/CrN-0.5 with a variation of angle Ψ from 0° to 30° with a step of 5°. The angular range of the analyzed peak is highlighted in red Fig. 4. X-ray diagrams of the formed ZrN/CrN multilayer coated samples obtained by symmetrical imaging (Bragg-Brentano focusing) with marking of peaks subjected to further series of asymmetrical imaging to determine stresses by sin2Ψ method When the angle position of the XRD peaks was accurately determined, the data were represented in the 2ΘΨx-sin 2Ψ domain and then linearly approximated (Fig. 6). The residual stress levels σx can be obtained using equation 2: [ ], x MK MPa   (2)