Microstructure and residual stresses of ZrN/CrN multilayer coatings formed by the plasma-assisted vacuum-arc method

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 3 2022 Fig. 7. Series of asymmetric surveys using synchrotron radiation in the range of angle 2Θ 38° – 50° for the peak (200) of the CrN phase with a variation of angle Ψ from 0° to 30° with a step of 5° Fig. 8. Linear dependence of diffraction maximum position (200) of CrN phase on sin2Ψ for multilayer coating samples deposited at different table and substrate rotation speeds The asymmetrical XRD patterns in Fig. 4 and 6 are shown as the examples that allow identifying the fact that residual stresses were rather low for all the coatings obtained using the plasma-assisted vacuumarc method. These stresses are either tensile or compressive as in case of CrN in the ZrN/CrN-8 coating (Table 2).