Structural features and technology of light armor composite materials with mechanism of brittle cracks localization

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 3 2022 Fig. 2. Explosive Welding Diagram: 1 – electric detonator; 2 – container with explosive substance; 3 – driver plate; 4 – intermediate plate; 5 – fi xed plate; 6 – metal base; 7 – ground Predicated on the analysis of technological schemes of composite metal materials formation using explosive welding (V95 + VT1-0 + V95 + VT1-0 + V95) the plane-parallel scheme of welding by explosion submitted in Fig. 2 was chosen. The thickness of the sheets being weld (V95 + VT1-0 + V95 + VT1-0 + V95) was 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + + 10 mm respectively. An explosive «Igdanite» (96:4 mixture of ammonium nitrate and diesel fuel) was used for welding. Explosive welding was carried out in a wide range of contact point speeds from 1,800 m/s to 2,400 m/s. Results and discussion According to the results of visual and dimensional and ultrasonic examination of the welded composite samples, the mode with the following technological parameters was chosen as the rational mode of explosion welding: explosive height 55 mm, contact point speed 2,200 m/s, gap between sheets being weld 2 mm. The criteria for choosing a rational mode of explosive welding were the absence of edge and internal unwelded spots in the composite, as well as the external state of its surface. In particular, it was found by the above control methods that in explosive welding modes with a contact point speed of less than 2,200 m/s, there was no welding of the layers in the edge region of the composite with partial cutting of the driver elements. The state of the composite welded at a contact point speed of more than 2,200 m/s was characterized by partial destruction of its surface with a large number of internal unwelded spots. Analysis of the macrostructure of the composite welded on the selected rational mode indicates a high quality of the material connection along the interlayer boundaries; the weld of the composite material along all interlayer boundaries is mainly wave-free. The appearance of the reinforced composite macrostructure after explosive welding is shown in Fig. 3. The role of perforations in the proposed circuit solution consists in the formation of a viscous homogeneous layer of a metal base of an aluminum alloy composite matrix, which presents a welded joint through the perforation of the reinforcing element. Upon contact with the ballistic object 1, brittle cracks arise in the composite, spread from the contact point 3 along the interlayer Fig. 3. Macrostructure of reinforced composite material based on light metals and alloys