Studies of wear resistance and antifriction properties of metal-polymer pairs operating in a sea water simulator

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 4 4 2 Ta b l e 2 Results of the effect of metal surface roughness on a metal-polymer friction pair operation in a sea water simulator Sequence number Counterbody roughness parameter – Ra, μm Mean hourly wear of Maslyanit 12, μm/h Mean wear of Maslyanit 12 per 1 km of track, µm/km Friction coefficient 1 3.2 30.6 9.05 0.0450 2 1.6 22.0 6.5 0.0391 3 0.8 20.3 6.0 0.0309 4 0.4 10.0 2.96 0.0236 5 0.2 8.6 2.62 0.0200 Fig. 7. Influence of the counterbody roughness on the average hourly wear of Maslyanite 12 Fig. 8. Influence of the counterbody roughness on the wear of Maslyanite 12 per 1 km of the friction path It should be expected that since a surface with a greater roughness, like blades, better captures and tightens the lubricating medium (in our case, the seawater simulator) into the contact gap, it should favor the creation of increased pressure and hydraulic wedge in contact, which ensures the “flotation” of the shaft.