Synthesis of a three-component aluminum-based alloy by selective laser melting

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 4 2022 Fig. 7. X-ray diffraction pattern with the phase identification of the Al-Si-Mg powder composition obtained by mixing for 1 hour volume fraction of aluminum is 90 %; that of silicon is 10%. The magnesium phase is not observed due to its small volume fraction in the studied powders. The samples were grown at the selective laser melting unit VARISKAF-100MVS. The mechanical grinding of the samples showed that the sample produced under the following conditions: constant laser power of 80 W, the laser beam scanning speed of 300 mm/s, the sampling interval of 90 µm, the layer thickness of 25 µm – had the highest strength. The samples produced under the constant power, with other unchanged mode parameters, showed better strength (Fig. 8, a) than the samples produced under the pulse mode (Fig. 8, b). It broke off when being grinded; the microstructure analysis showed a large amount of non-melted powder. That is why it was decided to conduct the experiments only after the constant laser power. Alloying the powders in the laboratory will significantly increase the range of materials that can be applied in SLM. It especially facilitates developing the composition of new alloys which are able to use the unique hardening method determined by the melting process and increase the productivity. However, to а b Fig. 8. Structure of samples obtained by the SLM method from powder after 1 hour of mechanical activation, mode parameters: V = 300 mm/s, s = 90 μm, h = 25 μm: a – constant power P = 80 W; b – pulse mode P = 100 W, m = 5,000 Hz