Features of the structure formation of sintered powder materials using waste metal processing of steel workpieces

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 24 No. 4 2022 Fig. 6. Chemical elements distribution in the sintered powder product of the Al + chips (steel 45) mixture: SEM secondary electron image (a); in the characteristic radiation Fe (b); Al (c) and O (d) а b c d iron as a result of compacts sintering from the Ti + chips (steel 45) mixture (Fig. 7). The general picture of the sintered material microstructure corresponds to the configuration of the titanium matrix with inclusions of iron residues (Fig. 7, b). Oxygen, which was initially in oxide inclusions on the particles of the treated steel chip, most likely migrated into the titanium matrix. Perhaps, some of the iron also diffused. The presence of oxygen up а b Fig. 7. Phase composition (a) and microstructure (b) of sintered compacts from Ti + chips (steel 45) mixture; 1 – an area rich in free iron; 2 – solid solution area based on α-Ti