Synthesis of the drive mechanism of the continuous production machine

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 5 1 3 Angle arccos . L a        (3) The total angle, determined by the arms rotation angle, will be determined: ,    (4) As a result of calculations, the total angle is θ = 103°. A rocker swing angle is determined as follows: 2 2 1 1 2 cos( ), OB a O B aO B     (5) and 2 2 2 1 2 cos( ), O B a OB aOB     (6) 2 2 2 1 arccos , 2 a OB O B aOB             (7) Thus, as a result of the synthesis of the mechanism, the main dimensions were determined: center distance a = ОО1 = 128 mm; rocker swing angle θ = 103°; the initial angle providing the entry of the collet into the rocker O1BO2 = 90°; cam mechanism starting angle ψ0 = 47°. The qualitative characteristics of the mixing is determined in accordance with the equation, given in [22]: 0 , kV e    (8) where μ is the reduced angle of the stagnation zone; μ0 is the coeffi cient of friction of the mixture on the blade in static conditions; e is the base of the natural logarithm; k is the experimental coeffi cient; V is the peripheral speed of the blade, which can be determined according to: V = 5sin(t)Lb, (9) where  is the angular frequency of revolution of the crank; Lb is the length of the blade. Results and discussion In accordance with the algorithm shown in Fig. 2, analogues of the kinematic characteristics of the center of the roller for the cam mechanism are calculated (Fig. 5). When synthesizing the cam mechanism, several options were considered. The analysis showed that the selected parameters of this mechanism mainly affect the amplitude values of the kinematic characteristics, but at the same time it remains smooth and continuous without spikes. Therefore, it was decided to carry out further research on the general reduced model of the mechanism, which will allow evaluating the synthesis of the cam-rocker mechanism in terms of choosing its dimensions and kinematic characteristics. Several synthesis options for this mechanism have been proposed. For clarity, let’s analyze the infl uence of various parameters on changes in the kinematic characteristics of the output link – rocker. Fig. 4. To determine the missing parameters of the cam mechanism