Synthesis of the drive mechanism of the continuous production machine

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 5 1 3 Fig. 8. Graph of rocker angular accelerations As can be seen from the graphs shown in Fig. 7 and 8, the swing and acceleration angles have smooth and continuous functions without oscillation. In Fig. 7, 8, there are dwells at the beginning and end of the graphs. Its total value is about 80°. Option 2. Let’s change one size of the link of the mechanism. To do this, we take the minimum radius of curvature ρmin = 70 mm. The remaining dimensions are left as in Option 1. Let’s carry out a kinematic calculation. In this case, the values of the kinematic characteristics can be seen on the graphs: the values of the radius vectors of the cam are shown in Fig. 9, and the values of the swing angles of the rocker and analogues of angular accelerations are shown in Fig. 10, 11, respectively. Fig. 9. Graph of the change in the numerical values of the radius vectors at ρmin = 70 mm: ρ – cam radius vector values; φ – cam rotation angles Fig. 10. Graph of the change in the swing angle of the rocker ψ at ρmin = 70 mm Fig. 11. Graph of the change in the accelerations of the rocker at ρmin = 70 mm