Synthesis of the drive mechanism of the continuous production machine

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Том 23 № 3 2021 EQUIPMEN . INSTRUM TS Vol. 5 No. 1 2023 Fig. 12. Graph of the change in the numerical values of the radius vectors at ρmin = 50 mm Fig. 13. Graph of the change in the rocker swing angle ψ at ρmin = 50 mm As can be seen from the graphs shown in Fig. 10 and 11, the swing angles and analogues of accelerations have smooth and continuous functions without oscillations. On the graph (Fig. 10, 11), the dwells at the beginning and end of the graphs are well defi ned. The dwell value is about 80°. Option 3. Let’s change one size of the link of the mechanism: ρmin = 50 mm. The remaining dimensions are left as in Option 1. Let’s carry out a kinematic calculation. In this case, the values of the radius vectors of the cam are shown on the graph in Fig. 12. The graph of the rocker swing angle values is shown in Fig. 13. For the rocker, the behavior of swing angle does not meet one of the main synthesis criteria: there is no smoothness and continuity of the swing angle graphs and a pronounced law of swing angle change. The beginning of the graph is displaced by more than 100° from the origin of coordinates, and it ends at approximately 245° of the cam shaft revolution (Fig. 13). As can be seen from the above Option, the laws of change of kinematic parameters for the cam-rocker mechanism do not satisfy the set tasks of synthesis. Several other options were considered. The results of theoretical calculations are summarized in Table. The values of the angle of rotation of the rocker arm θ were calculated using analytical dependences (1–11) and, by setting some numerical values for individual parameters of the drive mechanism. In addition, the smoothness and continuity of the graphs of kinematic characteristics and the presence of a dwell of the driven link of the cam-rocker mechanism, which has a kinematic connection with the working shaft of the machine, were taken into account. The quality of the mixture can be estimated in accordance with equation (8). Having the numerical values of the friction coeffi cient of the mixture μ0 = 0.789 and the velocity determined according to (9), the maximum total angle 0.9, and the minimum – 0.6 were obtained.