Methodology for criteria analysis of multivariant system

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 5 1 3 criterion value ij ij a P = . In case the minimal value of the comparison criterion is preferred, let’s take aij as a non-dimensional numeral value equaling the module of the reciprocal value of the criterion 1 ij ij a P = . To implement the method, let’s make the incident matrix M(aij), the rows of which will represent the facilities or systems of comparison Оi, and the columns will represent the criteria Pj, characterizing these facilities or systems of comparison. 1 2 3 1 11 12 13 1 2 21 22 23 2 3 31 32 33 3 1 2 3 ... ... ... ( ) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . n n n ij n m i i i mn P P P P O a a a a O a a a a M a O a a a a O a a a a = (1) The recommended construction of the matrix allows performing the comparison, analysis and rational selection of the facility or the system, taking into account the previous ranking of parameters. Further on, the criteria can be represented both by discrete numeral values and functional dependencies ( ) z Ð f k = from the parameters 1 2 { , , , }, z k k k k = … which, by the moment of decision making, take specific values depending on the limitation, selected by users, which meet the conditions of comparability specific for enterprise organization. The selection of the number and content of the parameters depends on a specific situation and on the type of the considered facility or system. It is worth mentioning that the more parameters, characterizing the analyzed facilities, are taken for calculation, the more informed selection of the rational decision will be made. The incident matrix, made under the above-mentioned methods, allows calculating the weighting criteria coefficient qi for every i th facility or comparison system individually. 1 . n i ij j q a = = ∑ (2) The values, received in the result of the calculation, are formed into the resultant vector: 1 2 . ... i q q q q       =         (3) The resulting vector allows visually judging on the rationality of every comparison facility, where the maximal value qi indicates a higher priority of the solution. Results and Discussion As an example of the practical use of the proposed method, let’s perform a comparative analysis of the process of edge cutting machining of the STEF-1 fiber-glass polymer composite material with an interlocking side mill carrying various insert materials. STEF-1 fiber-glass laminate is a multi-layer material based on fiber-glass, impregnated with an epoxyphenol binder.As a rule, edge cutting machining of polymer composites is challenging when providing the required quality of processed surfaces and physical and mechanical properties of parts [27–32]. It is