Methodology for criteria analysis of multivariant system

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 5 1 3 equipped with WC-3Co alloy, which shows the largest value of the q coefficient. When making the incident matrix, the prevalence of this design of the cutting tools over the similar ones under the selected criteria has already been observed. It also confirms the illustrative purpose of the selected method. Under the results of the analysis, the tool equipped with WC-6Co alloy is close in rationality, which allows recommending it as an analogue in the process of choosing. The presented example of rationality of milling composite materials is limited only with the choice of materials of the cutting part of the tool. In real production settings, the technical process includes a large number of parameters and criteria, which should be ranked under the production conditions. Conclusion This methodology provides the possibility of creating production facilities or systems based on the existing ones by various events using the temporary organizational connections without labor-consuming physical reconstructions. This is a new approach to the formation of a production system with the required features. The process of developing the design solution includes subsequent actions to propose, estimate and correspondingly select mutually exclusive alternatives. The task to select the optimal option is solved by using the general knowledge of the challenging media and the internal model of any system as well as by implementing the targeted search with the exclusion of knowingly unacceptable decision from consideration. 1. The scope of the proposed implementation of the methodology is appeared if it is necessary to analyze complex multivariant systems/facilities. 2. The objects/systems can be both variants of scientific solutions under various conditions of comparability, as well as design, technological solutions, structural and instrumental materials at the selection stage in the design and technological preparation of production, variants of the system implementation algorithm. 3. Physical and mechanical, processing and operation parameters, technical, economical and quality indicators, specific features and parameters can act as comparison parameters. 4. The proposed methods allow reducing the time for making new solutions in varying production conditions and determining correlation of design stages. The use of the methodology with the known and clearly defined parameters, characterizing multivariant systems, allow algorithmizing and further automating the process of organizational and technological preparation of production. It will significantly reduce the time and increase the quality of the multi-criteria comparative analysis of systems and making informed decisions (scientific or industrial) under the varying comparison conditions. References 1. Askalonova T.A., IkonnikovA.M., Leonov S.L., NovoselovYu.K., SitnikovA.A., Tatarkin E.Yu. Obespechenie kachestva pri abrazivnoi obrabotke: voprosy teorii i praktiki [Quality assembly for abrasive processing: theories and practice issues]. Barnaul, Polzunov Altai State Technical University Publ., 2016. 219 p. ISBN 978-5-7568-1170-4. 2. Pesin M.V., Makarov V.F., Mokronosov E.D. Metody proektirovaniya i optimizatsii tekhnologicheskogo protsessa uprochneniya detalei neftegazovogo naznacheniya [Design and optimization methods of technological processes hardening of the products of oil-and-gas purpose]. Ekspozitsiya Neft’ Gaz = Exposition Oil Gas, 2011, no. 6 (18), pp. 18–19. 3. Kozlov A.M., Kiryushchenko E.V., Kuznetsov S.F. Metodika otsenki kolebanii sistemy pri tortsovom frezerovanii portativnym oborudovaniem [Assessment method of mechanical system oscillations for portable equipment face milling process]. Spravochnik. Inzhenernyi zhurnal = Handbook. An Engineering Journal, 2014, no. 7 (208), pp. 46–49. DOI: 10.14489/hb.2014.07.pp.046-049. 4. Borisov M.A., Limonov S.E. [Analysis and improvement of robotic equipment for research in field of automation of production processes]. Sovremennye tekhnologii: problemy i perspektivy [Modern technologies: problems and prospects]. A collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference for graduate students, students and young scientists. Sevastopol, 2022, pp. 112–115. (In Russian).