Simulation of the rolling process of a laminated composite AMg3/D16/AMg3

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 25 No. 3 2023 technology Research methodology The subject of research was the rolling process of laminated composite “AMg3/D16/AMg3” consisting of aluminum alloys D16 (alloy of the 2xxx series, strain- and age-hardenable) and AMg3 (alloy of the 5xxx series, strain-hardenable) [20]. Deform-3D FE modeling package was chosen as the main research tool. The simulation of the rolling process was carried out in accordance with the following conditions. Sheets with dimensions of 2.92 × 50 × 75 mm (thickness × width ×length) were considered as initial workpieces corresponding to the actual dimensions of sheets used for physical modeling. Sheets from D16 and AMg3 alloys were supplied in the annealed (soft) state. The hardening curves of these alloys were obtained using a cam plastometer of IES Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and then integrated into the Deform 3D environment. The resulting strain resistance ratio 16 3 D AMg σ σ of the alloys was close to 0.8. Before rolling, the sheets were stacked in a pack, as shown in Fig. 1. The rolls were assumed to be ideally rigid with a linear rolling speed of 150 mm/s, and the roll diameter was 255 mm. The friction conditions corresponded to the Coulomb friction law with a friction coefficient μ equal to 0.12 between the rolls and the outer layers of the pack and a friction coefficient μ equal to 0.5 between the layers in the pack. The temperature of the pack corresponded to room one. Fig. 1. Setting of the problem of 3D FE-simulation of the laminated composites“AMg3/ D16/AMg3” rolling processes To simulate the fixation of sheets in a pack during rolling, the condition of the possibility of its mutual slipping without separation from each other is taken. The minimum size of FE for sheet workpieces, which allows one to find the convergence of the problem at iteration steps, was experimentally established: the minimum size of FE in the density window was 0.6 mm, the minimum size of FE outside the deformation zone was 1.3 mm, and the total number of FE was ~50,000 for each sheet. Thus, there were three FE per sheet thickness in the deformation zone, which can be considered satisfactory in terms of accuracy and solution time. During simulation, the thickness reduction of the pack 0 1 0 100% h h h − ε = ⋅ was varied, where h0 and h1 are the initial and final thicknesses of the pack, respectively. The reduction ε specified in the simulation corresponded to the real ones: 30, 45, 55, 65 and 75 %. At the same time, reduction of more than 45 % were