Experimental studies of high-speed grinding rails modes

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV technology Vol. 25 No. 3 2023 Introduction The process of rails grinding has been actively used on the Russian railway network since the early 2,000s. The technology has proven itself to be the only one that allows extending the life cycle of the rail [1, 2]. This technology is implemented using rail grinding trains of the RSHP-48 type, which are a complete copy of the Swiss trains of the Speno company (RR modifications), developed in the 1,980s of the XX century [3]. The main functions of rails grinding (fig. 1a) are the creation of the necessary rail profile to ensure the best interaction of the wheel with the rail, as well as the removal of defects that are formed on the wheel thread [4, 5, 6]. To process a complex profile of rails, grinding is performed by tilting the grinding wheels at different angles (fig. 1b). a b Fig. 1. Schematic representation of rail grinding by a rail grinding train: a – a schematic representation of flat grinding of rails with the end of the wheel; b – the inclination of the grinding heads when processing the rails’ profile It should be mentioned that the rail grinding trains, which are operated on the railway network, have speed limits up to 8 km/h and the speed of grinding wheels up to 3,600 rpm [3]. With such parameters, rail grinding trains have low efficiency, which makes it necessary to close the runways for movement during the work on grinding rails, which leads to significant financial losses [7]. Thus, the issue of increasing the efficiency of rail grinding trains is extremely relevant for the development of the railway industry. In total, 21 rail grinding trains have been manufactured in Russia for all time. Starting from 2,021, due to the technical condition of the machines and the end of its service life, the retirement of rail grinding trains from operation began. At the end of 2,022, there were 14 RSHP-48 trains operating on the Russian railway network, which, in the context of its low efficiency, do not meet the needs of railways in rails grinding. In view of the foregoing, the Sinara-Transport Machines Holding, which is the only supplier of rail grinding services for the Russian Railways company, decided in 2,021 to create a fundamentally new machine – the Rail Grinding Train RSHP 2.0 (fig. 2). Fig. 2. Rail grinding train RSHP 2.0