OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 25 No. 3 2023 technology Sheets from D16 and AMg3 alloys were supplied in the annealed (soft) state. The hardening curves of these alloys were obtained using a cam plastometer of IES Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and then integrated into the Deform 3D environment. The resulting strain resistance ratio 16 3 D AMg σ σ of the alloys was close to 0.8. The Deform-3D FE simulation package was chosen as the main research tool. To save computational resources during solving problems, density windows with a size of FE inside the windows of 22–23 µm and outside the windows of 50 µm were used. Before plastic deformation, representative volume elements were brought into contact, as shown in fig. 2, with specified boundary conditions. In order to prevent displacement of one representative volume relative to another, as well as to prevent loss of stability, the boundary condition vy = 0 μm/s was set on one of the faces. On the upper face of the representative volume element of AMg3 alloy, which is opposite to the surface of the asperities, the displacement velocity vz = 150 μm/s was applied. Under the influence of the created force, plastic deformation occurred in both materials at a certain moment. The process of plastic deformation continued until the maximum value of strain resistance of D16 alloy was reached. Results and discussion Study of surface profiles At the first stage of the study, solid models of representative volumes of AMg3 and D16 alloys after 40 and 120 grit belt grinding were obtained. An example of a model for the AMg3 alloy processed by a 40 grit belt is shown in fig. 3. Due to the chosen type of surface machining, a longitudinal profile was obtained Fig. 2. Problem statement of microscale simulation of the process of plastic deformation of alloys AMg3 and D16