Analysis of mechanical behavior and free vibration characteristics of treated saccharum munja fiber polymer composite

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 3 2023 Ta b l e 2 Free vibration behavior (also known as Dynamic Behavior Analysis) of Saccharum Munja fiber polymer composite Composite Natural Frequency and damping factor of Saccharum Munja fiber Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Mode 6 NR 19 0.160 95 0.074 125 0.059 353 0.033 380 0.029 506 0.022 PC 32 0.072 172 0.045 213 0.050 611 0.021 677 0.023 1,052 0.017 SRC 39 0.065 187 0.039 233 0.030 689 0.020 741 0.018 1,124 0.015 UDC 43 0.051 233 0.031 298 0.021 849 0.016 918 0.015 1,440 0.012 Ta b l e 3 ANONA analysis of Saccharum munja fiber polymer composite Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Tensile Test Between Groups 15,610.95 4 5,203.65 2,973.514 0.0000 3.238872 Within Groups 28 16 1.75 Flexural Test Between Groups 15,610.95 4 5,203.65 2,973.514 0.0000 3.238872 Within Groups 28 16 1.75 Free Vibration Test The results of tests for free vibrations, carried out on an experimental setup, are presented in table 2. In this experiment, six natural frequencies were obtained, and damping factors was obtained with the help of fit circle. The first mode of the six frequencies for NR, PC, SRC, and UDC is 19; 32; 39; 43 and damping factors are of 0.160; 0.074; 0.065; 0.051 respectively and the last mode (with damping factors) are 506 Hz (0.022); 1052 Hz (0.017); 1124 Hz (0.015); 1440 Hz (0.012). The damping factor values obtained indicate the practical utilization of Munja fiber polymer composite in various fields such as automobile, safety products, production house, etc. ANOVAAnalysis Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to test the significance of the obtained results for tension and flexing with a 5 % alpha level. The probability value in both cases is less than 0.05, which confirms the significance of the obtained experimental results in tensile and flexural tests (Table 3). Conclusions From the above study, it can be seen that the addition of Saccharum munja fiber to the epoxy matrix improves its mechanical properties as well as free vibration characteristics. The highest tensile and flexural strength values are observed for the UDC composite, followed by the SRC composite; and the lowest value was obtained in the case of the PC composite. Keeping the natural fiber in the core of the composite promotes better load transfer resulting in higher properties. Due to the highest adhesion of the fiber to the matrix, in the case of the UDC composite, the best mechanical and free vibration behavior is provided. The natural frequencies corresponding to all mode shapes are better detected in the case of a UDC composite. The PC composite shows the best damping factor values. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that all tensile and bending results are significant.