Free vibration and mechanical behavior of treated woven jute polymer composite

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 3 2023 by the orientation of the fibers [5]. M. Mejri has studied the use of composite materials made from natural fibers in the production of gears [6, 7]. The properties of the composite material improve as the thickness increases, which requires new processing methods [8–10]. Tidarut Jirawattanasomkul and colleagues examined how natural fiber was used in concrete. Natural fibers may be used to absorb sound since it has good acoustics [11]. Nano fillers like carbon nanotubes, nano-SiO2, nano-clay, etc. were added to the composite to improve its qualities without increasing its density [12]. S Sri Karthikeyan and colleagues examined the use of natural fiber composite as a replacement for asbestos fibers, the dust from which is hazard to human health [13]. The ability of natural fibers to absorb water destroys it. Synthetic fibers can be added to natural fiber composites to further improve its qualities [14, 15]. The functional group included in the composition of the composite is revealed using FTIR analysis [16, 17]. Surface morphology research was conducted by Yadvinder Singh et al., who came to the conclusion that alkaline-treated fibers exhibit superior properties over untreated ones. A review of the literature reveals that adding natural fiber to a polymer matrix improves the mechanical characteristics of the composite in both particulate, short and random, long fabric, and woven form, with woven form showing the greatest improvement in attributes [18]. Natural fibers reduce the combustibility of composite materials, and, compared with a polyester matrix, a polylactic acid matrix demonstrates higher mechanical properties when reinforced with banana and sisal fibers [19]. The results of testing composites based on sisal and aloe vera fibers for delamination showed that the composite with sisal fibers delaminates to a lesser extent and the resulting surfaces are characterized by less roughness [20]. In addition to improving the characteristics of composite to a certain extent, the addition of fibers also increases the percentage of voids and water absorption in the composite [21]. The mechanical properties of a natural fiber composite are affected by the type of weaving and the degree of water absorption [22, 23]. Since the addition of nanofillers promotes adhesion between the fiber and the matrix and increases interfacial contact, filling voids in the composite with nanomaterials improves mechanical properties and reduces water absorption [24]. The hybridization improves the characteristics of composite materials, as well as the order of laying and surface treatment [25, 26]. The characteristics of composite material are affected by the number of added layers, as well as the combination effect created between layers by synthetic fibers such as glass [27,28]. Although several researchers have conducted extensive study on various natural fiber composites and hybrid polymer composites, none of these studies have been found to be relevant to treated woven natural fiber composite due to weaving challenges. According to a variety of academic sources, treated natural fibers have better qualities than untreated ones. The objective of present study is to prepare laminates made of woven natural fiber and polymer and examine how surface treatment affects mechanical and free vibration behavior along with the study of the woven polymer composites’ mechanical and free vibration behavior after a period of soaking in a NaOH solution. FTIR spectrum has been extracted to analyze the functional group in woven jute fiber. Investigation technique Material Woven jute fibers were used as a reinforcing material in the study. Jute cloth that was once loose was turned into yarn. There are around 80 to 120 loose filaments in each strand. Then, as seen in fig. 1, these strands were weaved into a design resembling a basket. Weaved mats for this investigation were bought from Kiran Jute Industry in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Epoxy resin with HV953 hardener in a 1:1 ratio is used as the matrix material. The components were purchased from Chennai, India’s Vasavibala Resins Ltd. Fabrication method Composite laminates are made using a compression moulding machine. Then, in a stainless-steel mould with the dimensions 260 × 260 × 4 mm, a sufficient amount of resin was first poured. Then, a basket-weave