Influence of internal stresses on the intensity of corrosion processes in structural steel

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the specimen being investigated with texture formed by rolling Fig. 9. Dependence of the average degree of grain anisotropy (by number) on the value of residual strain of the specimens being studied crystal increases. This leads to an increase in collisions between dislocations, which hinder its further sliding, resulting in the formation of clusters unable to move through the crystal. The movement of new dislocations formed during deformation is restricted by the clusters, resulting in hardening of the metal [8]. The presence of this fact can affect the average grain size determined by X-ray diffractometry and lead to an increase in the degree of grain anisotropy. The relationship between corrosion and internal stresses during plastic deformation is due to changes in the number of structural defects in the crystal. Such changes occur by sliding of dislocations within several sliding systems characteristic of the observed crystal lattice. Sliding occurs along planes and crystallographic directions characterized by dense packing of atoms, and hence the least resistance to shear. Plastic deformation in such a case sets dislocations in motion and increases the probability of its annihilation when it meets a dislocation of a different sign [9, 17, 18]. The literature indicates that plastic deformation of phases with body-centered cubic lattice (BCC) is caused by the slip of crystallographic directions {110} <111> [19].