In situ crystal lattice analysis of nitride single-component and multilayer ZrN/CrN coatings in the process of thermal cycling

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Fig. 2. Dynamics of changes in the lattice parameter of the components of single-component coatings (a, c), multilayer coatings (b, d) and substrate (e, f) as a function of temperature during thermal cycling a b c d e f substrate material (WC), the CTE in the specified temperature range is 43.5×10-6 °C-1, which is 2.4 times higher than the CTE for the coating material. Deviations from a linear CTE are observed at temperatures below 100 °C and above 450 °C. This is particularly evident during the first heating of the ZrN mono and CrN mono coatings, indicated by red dots in figs. 3a and 3c. Additionally, the CTE behavior of the CrN mono coating shows a consistent decrease within the temperature range from 550 °C to 500 °C during cooling. When calculating the CTE for the multilayer coatings, it is found that linear sections of the CTE are almost absent. The CTE for the components of the multilayer coating and substrate is presented in figs. 3, b, d, e. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the multilayer coating led to an increase in the CTE magnitude, and the CTE of the substrate material also increased (figs. 3, b, d, e) compared to the singlecomponent coatings. In this case, the lowest CTE value is found for the ZrN phase, which is 26.3×10-6 °C-1 during heating and an average of 43.7×10-6 °C-1 during cooling. The CTE values for the CrN component