A synergistic approach to the development of lightweight aluminium-based porous metallic foam using stir casting method

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 c Fig. 9. Elemental analysis of aluminium foam (a) mapping area, (b) weight %, (c) elemental spectra a b Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) of Aluminium foam To observe the presence of constituent element in the developed metallic foam EDS analysis was performed. Fig. 9, a shows the area focus consider for obtained the peaks within the specimen. While fig. 9, b shows the weight % of constituent elements with 3-sigma% error. Additionally, fig. 9, c shows the EDS spectra of also constituent elements with their respective intensities. Calcium, silicon, molybdenum and magnesium can be seen on the EDS pattern of the specimen. The amount of aluminium, oxygen, silicon and magnesium is 16.1; 56.8; 1.7 and 1.1, respectively. Silicon, magnesium and molybdenum are alloying elements of aluminium, but oxygen is not an alloying element. This EDS pattern indicates that aluminium foam has a high percentage of oxygen by weight. It is important that aluminium foam has a high level of porosity, since more gases are trapped inside the pores. Mechanical properties of aluminium foam material Charpy impact test The Charpy impact test is used to test the strength of the material. It measures the energy absorbed by a V-notch specimen until the moment of destruction under impact load. The standard sample size is 55×10×10 mm and it has a notch of 45° across one of the dimensions [21]. The test results are presented in table 2. The impact energy absorbed by foamed aluminium is very close in values to the similar characteristic of the parent aluminium.