Numerical study of titanium alloy high-velocity solid particle erosion

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Vol. 25 No. 4 2023 Ta b l e 3 The effect of DNV parameters No. DNV ER sim K n 1 2e-9 2.6 5.919e-4 2 1e-9 2.6 2.959e-4 3 3e-9 2.6 8.878e-4 4 2e-9 3.9 7.044e-4 ER exp 4.43e-03 3.16e-03 The coefficient’s k3 effect is small compared to E90 (Eref) and similar to that of the turbulence model. The Ti6Al4V (Ti6Al4V analogue) DNV model parameters are taken from [37]. The influence of the linear coefficient K and power n can be seen in table 3 and figs. 11, 12. Fig. 11. The effect of K coefficient along the sample Fig. 12. The effect of n coefficient along the sample As can be observed, the linear coefficient has a much higher effect in contrast to the exponent. Also, notable erosion rate values are reached at approximately 2.7 mm from the center of the erosion crater, decaying to zero at ≈ 3.7 mm. Similar erosion area (fig. 13) is observed on the samples, which qualitatively confirms the simulation results. On the contrary, a mismatch between simulated erosion maximum along the sample length and the crater profile can be seen. This issue is discussed further. Motion of a particle is defined by the resultant of the acting forces. Drag force has a high effect, which depends upon the medium properties, particle velocity, its size and shape. The model used here is able to consider particle non-sphericity by means of a shape factor coefficient (SF). As other meaningful parameters are specified preliminary, the particle shape influence and its description by an additional coefficient are still to be studied. The drag coefficient accounting for particle non-sphericity is defined as presented by Haider and Levenspiel [30, 38]: ( ) 2 3 1 4 Re 24 1 Re ; Re Re sph b D sph sph sph b C b b = + + + (6)