Investigation of changes in geometrical parameters of GMAW surfaced specimens under the influence of longitudinal magnetic field on electric arc

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 26 No. 1 2024 TECHNOLOGY the size dispersions of single surfaced layers are statistically insignifi cant; so, the calculated F-criterion for width dispersions is 3.9, with a calculated signifi cance index of 0.0714, and the F-criterion for height variances is 2.65, with a calculated signifi cance index of 0.1899; the calculated signifi cance indices exceed the accepted signifi cance level of 0.05. To study the infl uence of a longitudinal magnetic fi eld on the change in overall dimensions and geometric error of the surfaced layers, six specimens consisting of fi ve vertical layers were surfaced: three specimens were surfaced without the infl uence of a longitudinal magnetic fi eld and three ones were surfaced when the electric arc was exposed to a magnetic fi eld created by an inductance coil (fi g. 4). The overall dimensions of the surfaced specimens were assessed based on the parameters of themaximum width and height in the sections under consideration. Fig. 5 shows a diagram of measuring the maximum width (bmax) and height (hmax) of the surfaced specimens without exposure to a longitudinal magnetic fi eld (fi g. 5, a) and exposed to a longitudinal magnetic fi eld (fi g. 5, b). Table 2 presents the results of measuring the overall dimensions of the surfaced specimens. Fig. 4. Surfaced and cut specimens consisting of fi ve layers a b Fig. 5. Scheme for measuring the greatest width and height of the specimens surfaced: a – without infl uence of a longitudinal magnetic fi eld; b – with infl uence of a longitudinal magnetic fi eld