Features of calculating the cutting temperature during high-speed milling of aluminum alloys without the use of cutting fluid

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 26 No. 1 2024 TECHNOLOGY a diameter of 10 mm with two teeth, the angle in plan ϕ = 90°, the angle of inclination of the cutting edge λ = 30°, the actual back angle α = 8°. The milling modes were as follows: V = 471 m/min; Sm = 5,490 mm/min; Sz = 0.183 mm/tooth; n = 15,000 rpm; t = 0.5 mm (fi g. 5–6). Fig. 5. Theoretical modeling of the temperature distribution on the front surface of the cutting blade Fig. 6. Theoretical modeling of the temperature distribution on the front surface of the cutting blade At the moment of cutting the cutter into the workpiece, since the pocket was being processed, it worked on both sides, therefore, passing and counter milling was implemented from diff erent sides. On subsequent passes, counter milling was performed in order to eliminate machine backlashes and improve the quality of processing. The cutting temperature was calculated based on the average values of the temperature on the front surface multiplied by the contact length of that face, and the temperature at the back surface multiplied by the width of the wear chamfer: . medium medium FrSur BackSur back cut back ñ h c h ⋅ + ⋅ = + T T T (19) This method of temperatures calculating allows clearly seeing the temperature distribution on the front and back surfaces of the cutting blade. Results and discussion A series of experiments on milling workpieces with a size of 250×40×120 mm made of aluminum alloy D16T was carried out to verify the theoretical calculation of temperatures. The mechanical characteristics and physical properties of this alloy are presented in Table 3. An uncoated end mill of the Hanita 4002 model with a diameter of 10 mm with a fl at end face, with a number of tooth equal to 2 and a cutting edge inclination of 60° was used in the tests (fi gure 7). All tests were carried out without the use of cutting fl uid. The experimental factors were the cutting speed, that is, a one-factor experiment conducted with fi ve levels of factor variation. To record the