Synthesis of the heddle drive mechanism

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 6 1 4 a b Fig. 13. Kinematic characteristics for point D: (a) velocity; (b) acceleration The analysis showed that the velocities and accelerations for points A, B, C, D, E, G, F have smooth and continuous graphs, which indicates a properly conducted synthesis of the lever system for individual Assur groups. The kinematic characteristics for points G and E are not given in the work. Motion for point F is shown in Fig. 14. a b с Fig.14. Kinematic characteristics for point F: (a) motion; (b) velocity; (c) acceleration The economic eff ect of the proposed solution implementation was determined based on the data of the work [10], where the removal of products from 1 m2 of the production area, adjusted for the rotation frequency of the main shaft equal to 300 min-1, is 1.035 m2/hour. Conclusion The main purpose of the work was to reduce the dimensions of the loom by changing the design parameters of the heddle lifting mechanism. As a result of placing the heddle fi xing mechanism outside of the heddle frame, the dimension of O2O3 was reduced by 100 mm. In this regard, all dimensions for the