Determination of the rate of electrochemical dissolution of U10A steel under ECM conditions with a stationary cathode-tool

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 26 No. 2 2024 technology Fig. 2. Specimen for polarization studies: 1 – specimen; 2 – contact wire; 3 – dielectric mandrel; 4 – epoxy resin with hardener Polarization studies were carried out on an experimental installation, the scheme and appearance of which are shown in Fig. 3. The installation consists of a three-electrode electrochemical cell (1), a potentiostat-galvanostat Elins P-20X (2), and a PC (3) for measurement, recording, and data processing. A copper ring with the following dimensions was used as a cathode: width 10 mm, outer and inner radii 35 and 31 mm, respectively. Fig. 3. Scheme and appearance of the experimental setup for potentiodynamic studies: 1 – three-electrode electrochemical cell; 2 – potentiostat-galvanostat Elins P-20X; 3 – PC The scanning speed was 1,000 mV/s with increments of 0.011 mV. The gap between the anode and the platinum reference electrode was 0.1 mm. After each experiment, the surface of the test specimen was cleaned with abrasive paper with a grain size of 20–28 µm (R600). The working medium for the electrochemical processing was a conductive electrolyte solution. In the electrochemical treatment, the most widely used solution was a neutral salt of sodium chloride (NaCl) in water [17–20, 27–29]. The electrolyte concentration of 10 % was chosen, according to the literature sources [29–33]. The kinematic viscosity (v) of the electrolyte was 1.11∙10-6 m2/s [30].