Determination of the rate of electrochemical dissolution of U10A steel under ECM conditions with a stationary cathode-tool

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV technology Vol. 26 No. 2 2024 a b c Fig. 4. Hole shaping schemes: a – with a cathode-tool without insulation; b – with an insulated cathode-tool; c – with an insulated cathode-tool with a working belt (shoulder): 1 – cathode; 2 – anode; 3 – insulating layer a b Fig. 5. Appearance of: a – the cathode tool; b – tooling for cathode tool Schemes for perforation by the DECM method The following schemes were considered for shaping deep holes [32], shown in Fig. 4. The chosen research scheme employs a cathode tool without insulation, with a supply set to zero. This allows for the determination of the technological parameters of the current output for the main reaction and the rate of electrochemical dissolution under selected initial conditions. The characteristics that emerge when determining the current output are presented in the work of Y. M. Kolotyrin and G. M. Florianovich [34]. The calculation of the current output was carried out according to the method presented in [29, 31–34]. The calculation assumes that the change in the temperature of the electrolyte and its heating during electrolysis is insignificant and is not taken into account, and the axis of the cathode coincides with the axis of the resulting hole. Hollow circular needles made of stainless steel with outer and inner diameters of 0.908 mm and 0.603 mm, respectively, were used as the cathode tool. The area of the outlet was 0.362∙10-6m2. The appearance of the cathode tool and tooling is shown in Fig. 5. An experimental installation for electrochemical hole processing is shown in Fig. 6 and consists of the following elements: an electrolyte supply system (1), an electrochemical cell (2) with an anode (3) and a cathode tool (4), a three-coordinate machine (5), and a technological current source (6). Implementing electrochemical processing assumes that the electrolyte supply to the zone between the electrodes is uniform to ensure the stability of the electrochemical dissolution process of the workpiece. The rate of electrolyte flow and the rate of electrochemical processes depend on the pressure in the system and hydraulic losses. The influence of hydrodynamic parameters on the performance of anodic dissolution is described in [16, 23, 28–30]. During experimental studies, the pressure in the system was pumped by a diaphragm pump and was equal to 0.9 MPa. The electrolyte supply system (1), in addition to the pump, includes a power supply unit for the pump, hoses and containers for supplying and draining electrolyte.