Design simulation of modular abrasive tool

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV Vol. 23 No. 3 2021 MATERIAL SCIENCE EQUIPMENT. INSTRUMENTS 6 2 4 The abrasive material (vertex X13) is better presented in the form of the following variants, which are the vertices of graph lX13: X131 is natural abrasives; X1311 is diamond; X1312 is corundum; X1313 is emery; X1314 is pumice stone; X1315 is quartz; X132 is artificial (synthetic) abrasives; X1321 is synthetic diamond; X1322 is silicon carbide (carborundum); X1323 is boron carbide; X1324 is borazon; X1325 is cubic boron nitride; X1326 is electrocorundum; X1327 is normal electrocorundum; X1328 is white electrocorundum; X1329 is monocorundum; X13210 is zirconium electrocorundum; X13211 is alloyed electrocorundum, represented as a set lX13: 13 13 1 n X i i l X = =  . The grit size (vertex X14) is expressed by various versions represented by the vertices of the graph lX14: Х141 – F4; Х142 – F5; Х143 – F6; Х144 – F7; Х145 – F8; Х146 – F10; Х147 – F12; Х148 – F14; Х149 – F16; Х1410 – F20; Х1411 – F22; Х1412 – F24; Х1413 – F30; Х1414 – F36; Х1415 – F40; Х1416 – F46; Х1417 – F54; Х1418 – F60; Х1419 – F70; Х1420 – F80; Х1421 – F90; Х1422 – F100; Х1423 – F120; Х1424 – F150; Х1425 – F180; Х1426 – F220; Х1427 – F230; Х1428 – F240; Х1429 – F280; Х1430 – F320; Х1431 – F360; Х1432 – F400; Х1433 – F500; Х1434 – F600; Х1435 – F800; Х1436 – F1000; Х1437 – F1200; Х1438 – F1500; Х1439 – F2000; ХnlX14 is other variants presented as a set lX14: 14 14 1 n X i i l X = =  . The hardness of the wheel (vertex X15) according to DIN ISO 525 standard is represented by the following parameters, which serve as the vertices of the edge lX15: Х151 – F; Х152 – G; Х153 – H; Х154 – I; Х155 – J; Х156 – K; Х157 – L; Х158 – M; Х159 – N; Х1510 – O; Х1511 – P; Х1512 – Q; Х1513 – R; Х1514 – S; Х1515 – T; Х1516 – U; Х1517 – X; Х1518 –Y; Х1519 – Z; Х1520 – V; Х1521 – W; XnlX15 is other options presented as a set lX15: 15 15 1 n X i i l X = =  . Type of bond (vertex X16): X161 is metal, X1611...X161n is marking; X162 is ceramic, X1621...X162n is marking; X163 is silicate, X1631...X163n is marking; X164 is magnesian, X1641...X164n is marking; X165 is bakelite, X1651... X165n is marking; X166 is vulcanite, X1661...X166n is marking; X167 is griphthalic, X1671...X167n is marking, represented in the set lX16: 16 16 1 n X i i l X = =  . For the wheels with diamond abrasive material (synthetic or natural), the following parameters are also taken into account: Diamond concentration (vertex X13111 and X13211), with these parameters forming the vertex of the graph lX13111: Х131111 – 25 %; Х131112 – 50 %; Х131113 – 75 %; Х131114 – 100 %; Х131115 – 150 %; XnlX13111 is other options. The body of modular grinding wheels GOST R 52781-2007 (vertex X2) is described by the following parameters forming the vertices of the edge lX2: X21 is profile type; X22 is dimensional parameters of the body; X23 is body material; X24 is wear-resistant coating and hardening; Xnl X21 is other parameters described by the set lX2: 2 1 n X i i l X = =  . X21 is the profile type, where X211 is type 1; X212 is type 2; X213 is type 3; X214 is type 4; X215 is type 5; X216 is type 6; X217 is type 7; X218 is type 10; X219 is type 11; X21101 is type 12; X21102 is type 14; X2111