Design simulation of modular abrasive tool

OBRABOTKAMETALLOV MATERIAL SCIENCE Том 23 № 3 2021 EQUIPMEN . INSTRUM TS Vol. 6 No. 2 2024 design solutions, thus enhancing the effectiveness of tool support for the manufacture of products made of high-strength and difficult-to-process materials via conventional or hybrid manufacturing techniques. The generalized graphic model is an innovative approach to the design and analysis of a modular abrasive tool that includes all the key structural elements and characteristics that can be used in such tools. The principal advantage of the model is its flexibility and extensibility, which enables it to be readily updated or augmented with new components to meet current or future abrasive tool requirements. This simulation allows for the visualization of existing abrasive tool designs and the experimentation with the creation of new designs by adding, modifying, or removing certain elements. Such a graphical approach facilitates comprehension of the interactions between the various tool components and its impact on the overall performance and efficiency of the tool. One of the most crucial attributes of a generalized graphic model is its capacity to be represented in a matrix form. Such representation not only enables the systematization and structuring abrasive tools data but also facilitates the process of analysis, synthesis, and the selection of optimal tools. The matrix form of information representation allows for the consideration of the specific characteristics of each tool, thereby providing an effective means for the management of the tooling assortment at the enterprise. This is critical to optimizing production processes and increasing efficiency through more informed tool selection. The developed design methodology was tested on an example of model realization on two designs of modular grinding wheels. The theoretical studies established that the design efficiency of modular abrasive tools can be increased by 2–4 times (depending on the complexity of the tool design) by using the developed simulation technique. References 1. StarkovV.K. Shlifovanie vysokoporistymi krugami [Gringing of high-porouswheels].Moscow,Mashinostroenie Publ., 2007. 688 p. ISBN 978-5-217-03386-7. 2. Bratan S.M., Roshchupkin S.I., Chasovitina A.S., Gupta K. Vliyanie na veroyatnost’ udaleniya materiala otnositel’nykh vibratsii abrazivnogo instrumenta i zagotovki pri chistovom shlifovanii [The effect of the relative vibrations of the abrasive tool and the workpiece on the probability of material removing during finishing grinding]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science, 2022, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 33–47. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2022-24.1-33-47. 3. SkripnyakE.G., LobanovD.V., SkripnyakV.V.,YanyushkinA.S., SkripnyakV.A., RychkovD.A. Keramicheskie nanokompozity na osnove diborida tsirkoniya [Ceramic nanocomposites on the basis of zirconium diboride]. Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii = Systems. Methods. Technologies, 2011, no. 2, pp. 95–98. 4. Sayutin G.I., Nosenko V.A., Bogomolov N.I. Vybor instrumenta i SOZh pri shlifovanii titanovykh splavov [Choice of tools and coolant for grinding titanium alloys]. Stanki i instrument = Machines and Tooling, 1981, no. 11, pp. 15–17. (In Russian). 5. Smagin G.I., Filimonenko V.N., Yakovlev N.D., Korchagin M.A., Skeeba V.Y. Shlifoval’nyi instrument na osnove silikokarbida titana [The grinding tool on a basis titan silicon karbid]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science, 2011, no. 1 (50), pp. 27–30. 6. Novoselov Yu.K., Bratan S.M., Bogutskii V.B. Vliyanie sluchainoi sostavlyayushchei otklonenii profilya instrumenta na dinamiku protsessa kruglogo naruzhnogo shlifovaniya [Effect of random component in tool profile deviations upon dynamics of external circular grinding]. Naukoemkie tekhnologii v mashinostroenii = Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, no. 5 (59), pp. 10–17. 7. Smirnov V.M., Lobanov D.V., Skeeba V.Yu., Golyushov I.S. Povyshenie effektivnosti kontsevogo almaznogo abrazivnogo instrumenta na metallicheskoi svyazke za schet sovershenstvovaniya tekhnologii izgotovleniya [Improving the efficiency of metal-bonded diamond abrasive end tools by improving manufacturing technology]. Obrabotka metallov (tekhnologiya, oborudovanie, instrumenty) = Metal Working and Material Science, 2021, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 66–80. DOI: 10.17212/1994-6309-2021-23.2-66-80. 8. Popov A.Yu., Rechenko D.S., Averkov K.V., Sergeev V.A. Vysokoskorostnoe shlifovanie zharoprochnogo nikelevogo splava ZhS6-K [High-speed grinding of ZhS6-K high-temperature nickel alloy]. STIN = Russian Engineering Research, 2012, no. 2, pp. 32–34. (In Russian).